Axel M. Oaks Takacs, Th.D.

Assistant Professor of Comparative Theology and Interreligious Studies

Curriculum vitae

takacsax [at] shu dot edu

Department of Religion

Seton Hall University

Teaching Materials

On this page you can find Course Syllabuses, Teaching Guides/Discussions, and Presentations directed toward the undergraduate classroom.


Religions of the World

Seton Hall 2024

An introductory survey of the basic issues in global religious & cultural traditions of the world with special emphasis on religious narratives & experiences, sacred literature, & theological/philosophical discourses.

Arts and Literatures of Islam and Muslim Cultures

This course explores the artistic and literary genres of Islam and Muslim cultures through the lens of the study of religion and theology.

Women, Gender, and Islam

This course examines the concept, role, and status of women and gender in the Islamic traditions and in Muslim societies, both historically and in our contemporary world.

Islam (Intro)

This course explores the history and theology of the Islamic traditions along with the practices of Muslim communities historically and presently.

Islamic and Christian Perspectives on Faith, Reason, & Imagination

This course explores Islamic and Christian perspectives on faith, reason, and the imagination through a comparative theological lens.

Introduction to Theology and Religious Studies

This course introduces students to the fundamental questions, sources, and content of the Christian theological tradition, with special attention to Catholic Christianity, and its significance for Christian faith and life in the world today.

Religions of the World (Hybrid)

An introductory survey of the academic study of religion through the histories, intellectual and spiritual traditions, texts, rituals, and socio-political interactions of various religions of the world.

Teaching Guide/Discussion

Teaching Conference of the Birds

This document has background and sample discussion questions for teaching the classic in Islamic Spirituality, The Conference of the Birds.

Christianity, Empire, and Compulsion

Primary Source Texts Challenging the Personal-Political Binary

This PDF provides a selection of readings by Christians in the first 400 years or so. They are strategically selected to invite conversation in the classroom around Christianity, Empire, and Power.


Imagination in Islamic Poetry and Art

This is a brief presentation that explains the role of the imagination and poetry via Hafiz and the the 16th-century miniature by Sultan Muhammad (Herat, Afghanistan).

Avicennan Proof for the Existence of God

This is a PowerPoint presentation I made to explain to students the Avicennan proof for the existence of God.


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